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Do Your Employees Qualify for Paid Leave due to COVID-19?  

To help your employees determine when they qualify for paid leave, the National Glass Association has developed a fact sheet that you can distribute to your workforce. 

How to help your staff understand the new laws 

Phones are ringing at glass companies across the country with employees asking if they need to come in to work or not, and how it will affect their paycheck. And while the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires companies to pay sick leave—and to pay employees who must stay home to take care of children due to COVID-19-related school closures—there are specific rules that apply. To help your employees determine when they qualify for paid leave, the National Glass Association has developed a fact sheet that you can distribute to your workforce. 

This fact sheet is for use at private companies with less than 500 employees. It is designed to help employees understand what is covered—and what is not—under the FFCRA. Its applicability will depend on whether or not your company is an essential business within your state(s). Customize the worksheet with your company name, and to your business and local government’s response to COVID-19. View and download it here.

DISCLAIMER: The NGA and its contributors provide this resource for educational and informational purposes. Nothing contained in these materials should be considered the rendering of legal or other professional advice. Companies should consult an attorney for specific legal advice. The NGA and contributors make no express or implied warranties or guarantees about the accuracy of the information provided.